Source code for postalcodes_ni.postalcodes

import unicodedata

from ._codes import _postal_codes as postal_codes
from .exceptions import ISOCodeError, PostalCodeError

[docs]def get_all_municipalities_by_iso(iso_code: str) -> list: """ Returns all the municipalities for a department based on the ISO code """ iso_code = iso_code.upper() if iso_code not in postal_codes: raise ISOCodeError( f'Incorrect ISO 3166-2 code \n The code {iso_code} doesnt exists' ) municipalities = [ (m.get('name'), m.get('code')) for m in postal_codes.get(iso_code) ] return municipalities
[docs]def get_all_municipalities_by_postal(postal_code: int) -> list: """ Returns all the municipalities for a department based on the postal code """ department_key = None for department, municipalities in postal_codes.items(): for municipality in municipalities: if ( municipality['code'] == postal_code and municipality['neighborhood'] == 'master' ): department_key = department break if department_key is None: raise PostalCodeError( f'Cant find any department with the code {postal_code}' ) municipalities = [ (m.get('name'), m.get('code')) for m in postal_codes.get(department_key) ] return municipalities
[docs]def get_municipality_by_name(name: str) -> tuple: """ Returns a single record for a municipality based on the name """ def strip_accents(s): return ''.join( c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', s) if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn' ) name = strip_accents(name).title() department_key = None municipality_key = None for department, municipalities in postal_codes.items(): for index, municipality in enumerate(municipalities): if strip_accents(municipality['name']) == name: department_key = department municipality_key = index break if strip_accents(municipality['neighborhood']) == name: department_key = department municipality_key = index break if department_key is None and municipality_key is None: raise PostalCodeError( f'Cant find any municipality with the name {name}' ) municipality = postal_codes.get(department_key)[municipality_key] return (municipality.get('name'), municipality.get('code'))
[docs]def get_municipality_by_postal(postal_code: int) -> dict: """ Returns a single record for a municipality based on the postal code """ for department, municipalities in postal_codes.items(): for index, municipality in enumerate(municipalities): if municipality['code'] == postal_code: mun = postal_codes[department][index] return (mun.get('name'), mun.get('code')) raise PostalCodeError( f'Cant find any municipality with the code {postal_code}' )